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Becoming Weakless - the self-care keystone
Welcome to A Moment Of Weakless! Dive in with me and let's start making self-care easy.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go to www.beweakless.com.
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Bad motivations, bad goals, and the uncomfortable road out.
Getting on the path to becoming Weakless will not be enough. You also have to get completely off the path that everyone else is on.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go to www.beweakless.com.
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The Weakless Mind
The proper mindset for being Weakless, what we should mean when we say we're "winning at life", and how focusing on discomfort makes it all easy.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go to www.beweakless.com.
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What does "hard" mean when you're weakless?
Let's see what happens when we examine statements like, "That's hard," and "I can't do that," and "I have to stop."
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go to www.beweakless.com.
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Making self-care exciting and fun until it's easy.
We need to talk about the most important reason to do this work. Yes, we all want better self-care, but let's go a level deeper.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go to www.beweakless.com.
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Eliminating useless opinions.
Being Weakless means getting out of our own way, which, in turn, means setting aside our useless opinions. Dive into this episode and I'll break it down for you.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go...
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The importance of a Growth Mindset
You can't be Weakless without a Growth Mindset. What is it, why do we need it, and how do we get it? Let's chat.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go to www.beweakless.com.
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Epic Level Weakless
What does it look like when you are truly laughing in the face of discomfort? Let's talk it out.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go to www.beweakless.com.
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Self-made discomfort and how it wrecks self-care
Today, we're talking about types of discomfort that we manufacture in our heads and then run from, destroying our self-care efforts.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go to www.beweakless.com.
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Self-made discomfort, Part 2
Let's continue our examination of types of discomfort that we manufacture and then run away from.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go to www.beweakless.com.
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An assignment that can change your life.
I won't give this one away in the notes, but I have a task for you today that just might push you FAR down the path to becoming Weakless and making self-care easy.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop, go...
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How to treat your inner voice like a petulant child.
We're talking about epic level Weakless today! This is a plan that you can put into place TODAY and it will make you feel like a champion while you take better care of yourself.
To get the (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop,...
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